Orthopedic Surgeon
5 tips to help you take good care of your bones
Bones are your body’s support system, but more than that, they provide you with the ability to grow and change in a healthy way as you age. That’s why taking care of your bone health is so important. When we’re young, it’s easy to rebuild lost bone density and regain strength even after a bone fracture or an accident. However, after turning 30, our bones start to rebuild themselves more slowly, leaving us open to long-term harm after a fracture. For individuals whose calcium levels are low, the risk of bone disease and deterioration is even greater with the passing years. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take each day to shore up your bone health for the long run. If you’re trying to keep your bones strong and healthy, here are a few tips.
- Bulk Up on Calcium
No one wants to undergo invasive procedures like shoulder surgery if it can be avoided easily. And while some bone deterioration has to do with your genetic makeup, other diseases like osteoporosis can be avoided through exercise and diet. Calcium intake is the key to keeping your bones dense and healthy. However, calcium isn’t just found in foods like dairy and orange juice. You can find rich stores of calcium in leafy greens like kale, spinach, and lettuce, and omega 3-rich fish like salmon and even canned fish like sardines. Many lactose-intolerant individuals imagine that their dietary restriction keeps them from getting enough calcium. However, if you keep a balanced diet that incorporates plenty of green vegetables, beans, and protein-rich foods, it won’t be too hard to build up bone health without even thinking about it.
- Keep Fit
For overall health, there’s nothing like getting the proper exercise at least a few times a week to keep your body working as it should. Keeping fit won’t just help your bones grow strong. You will also be building muscle and strengthening your coordination skills to keep your bones protected from a break or fracture.
- Go Outdoors
When it comes to bone health, a little Vitamin D goes a long way. Spend time in the sun to get the nutrients you need for strong bones: Just don’t forget to wear sunscreen.
- Take Vitamins
If you have a limited diet or you simply aren’t getting enough calcium in your everyday life, taking calcium supplements is one of the easiest ways to make sure you’re not missing out. You can take a chewable supplement or a pill each morning to get your daily calcium and vitamin needs.
- Research Your Family History
Along with getting the best consistent health care, knowing about your family background will help you find preventative cures and treatments if you know someone in your genetic line suffers from bone loss. Keep a close eye out for early symptoms and treat them as soon as you can. For instance, if you suffer from arthritis symptoms, visit a local hand and wrist specialist at a local Sioux Falls orthopedic clinic for preventative care.