Orthopedic Surgeon
Common signs that you need orthopedic care
Whether you suffer from older spinal injuries, have spent some time in sport and spine rehab, or simply want to make sure that pain in your joints isn’t anything to worry about, taking your orthopedic health seriously can help prevent a ton of other issues down the road. If you’re suffering from any kind of joint pain or inflammation, your body might be telling you that it’s time to get serious about treatment. Back, shoulder and joint pain can be more than a nuisance: If left untreated, they can start seriously getting in the way of you living your life to the fullest. Whether you’re searching for reliable Sioux Falls orthopedic care or you’re trying to plan your next steps, here are some signals that you might be dealing with a bigger problem.
The Pain Won’t Go Away
The difference between average aches and pains and a serious orthopedic problem has to do with time. If you woke up feeling stiff and achy, it could easily be the weather, too vigorous of a workout at the gym, or even the result of sleeping in a strange position overnight. However, if the days build into weeks and you’re still noticing pain and stiffness, your body is trying to tell you something. Sometimes, the pain comes without any obvious external symptoms. Other times, you’ll see signs of infection, like inflammation or discoloration, on the area where you’re experiencing pain. Either way, if you’re feeling joint pain for more than a few days at a time, you’ll want to see a doctor as soon as you can to help you manage your symptoms.
Resting Doesn’t Help
As our bodies age, they’re not able to simply snap back from a sprain, injury, or hard day of physical labor the way that they used to. This means that after a day of low-impact work like gardening or even vacuuming, a person of advanced age could start to feel aches and pains that won’t go away very easily. Usually, however, these pains can be kept at bay by enough rest and downtime. If you’re feeling pain that doesn’t slow down when you recline or rest, or pain that actually intensifies when you’re sitting or reclining, it’s a sign that you might need more serious care.
You Can’t Move Around Without Discomfort
We all deal with regular inflammation and shoulder kinks every so often. But if your joint pain is getting to the point where you get winded after performing your regular, everyday activities, you might need more help. If joint pain is getting in the way of your performing chores, being social, or even standing up for long periods of time without rest, you need to see a doctor.
The Pain Intensifies in Cold Weather
During cold weather, many chronic issues start to flare up again due to the humidity and drop in barometric pressure. However, if you start to feel your aches and pains days before the cold hits, along with swelling, feverish symptoms (such as heat at the site of injury or discoloration) or serious stiffness, you’re dealing with something potentially dangerous. Don’t wait until the winter hits to do something about your pain. See your doctor as soon as you can.