Elbow Fracture and Its Different Types

Elbow fracture is usually referred to the fracture in the bony tip. It is one of the three bones making the elbow joint work.
elbow fracture

There are many bones in the elbow which can be prone to break. Sometimes, an injury, a fall, or sports activities can seriously hurt your elbow. A patient may encounter a close or open elow fracture. Therefore, the elbow treatment also varies with the type of injury. X-ray, MRI, or diagnostic imaging tests may reveal the extent of damage done to the elbow bone.,

Let us have a look at the types of elbow fracture.

Distal Humerus Elbow Fracture

The rounded bottom of the elbow is known as the distal humerus. The distal humerus rotates against the ulna and head. It is uncommon to have an elbow fracture of the ulna and head. A hard blow to the elbow may cause an elbow fracture of the distal humerus. Some of the symptoms of distal humerus elbow injury include injury, swelling, and tenderness.

Radial Head Fracture

Radial head forms part of the radius bone in forearm. This bone meets humerus from within the elbow joint. A radial head elbow fracture may occur when a person is trying to protect themselves from a fall. The force of the impact may result in pushing radial head into the humerus bottom. This type of elbow injury results in dislocation.

Olecranon Fracture

The extension of the ulna is vulnerable to fractures. A olecranon elbow fracture is caused because there is no muscle or ligament covering the elbow. A strong sudden contraction of the muscles of the triceps can cause this fracture. The injury can also occur as a result of the fall. The fall can cause the bone to break with symptoms like inability to move the elbow, sharp pain, and tenderness.