Orthopedic Surgeon
Cervical Disc Protrusion
Cervical Disc Protrusion is also known as the Disc Bulge. Cervical Disc Protrusion is a very painful condition causing pain radiating to arms, shoulder and neck areas.
Common Causes of Cervical Disc Protrusion
These are some common causes of Cervical Disc Protrusion.
The gradual degeneration of the disc because of the weakening of posterior annulus fibrosis.
Protrusion of the nucleus pulpous into spinal canal.
Aging is one of the major causes of Cervical Disc Protrusion, over the age of 40.
Another common cause of Cervical Disc Protrusion is hard physical labor, putting a lot of strain on the neck and the spinal cord.
Symptoms Responsible for Cervical Disc Protrusion
You need to get yourself checked by an orthopedic physician if you have any of these symptoms.
The isolated pain felt in the neck or arm.
Severe electricity pain in the shoulder, arm or neck.
You may also feel tingling, numbness, or weakness.
Sometimes, Cervical Disc Protrusion may also result in weakness.