Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation is a non-surgical procedure deployed by professional chiropractic specialists. These specialists rely on exercises and leverage to adjust spinal structure and help restore spine mobility. The spinal pain leads to weakening of the nerve connecting muscles, joints, and bones. Therapy helps the nerve revive its function, work normally, and encourage blood circulation in surrounding areas.

The types of Osteopathic Manipulation

There are two types of osteopathic manipulations used, Direct and Indirect.

Direct Method

In this method, the patient’s tight tissue is moved to the area of tightness.

Indirect Method

The indirect method is opted by doctors to push the tight tissues away and in opposite direction to the area of muscle resistance.

Precautions in using Osteopathic Manipulation

The patients having broken bones, dislocation, bone cancer, bone infection, damaged ligament, patients with recent surgery, and using medications like aspirin and warfarin are not recommended osteopathic manipulation.

Some of the side effects of osteopathic manipulation may include increased pain, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms can be from mild to severe and may disappear within a few days. The use of osteopathic manipulation can also cause severe complications.

Revision Spinal Surgery

This surgery is usually performed in patients with a problem in previous spine surgery. Chronic pain is one of the most important symptoms of a problem with the earlier surgery.

These are the factors responsible for revision surgery.

  • Formation of scar tissue around the incision
  • Unsuccessful surgery
  • Surgery at the wrong site
  • Surgery in patients not eligible for it
  • Improper diagnosis of the patient
  • Post-surgical complications
  • Failed back syndrome or failed back surgery is another reason for performing a revision surgery.

Main Goal of Revision Surgery

The main purpose of performing spine surgery is to reduce pain and help the patient revive their routine life. This surgery is performed in conditions like a re-herniated disc, infection, Pseudarthrosis, hardware failure, flat back syndrome, instability, adjacent segment degeneration, and non-surgery related degeneration.

Minimally Invasive Revision Surgery

The most common approach opted for revision surgery is a minimally invasive surgery. The surgeon makes a small incision to reduce damage to muscles, and the patient does not need to go through the same pain again. The surgeon uses laser scalpel to repair damaged tissues involving cutting away broken, malformed or damaged tissues.

Some of the common methods used to repair interventions include laminotomy, foraminotomy, facet thermal ablation, spinal fusion, and microdiscectomy. The patient undergoes rehabilitation using exercises that harden the weakened muscles in affected areas.

Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion

This approach is used in certain types of spinal deformities. The first incision is made from the front on the patient’s side, over the chest wall or lower down the abdomen. The surgeon removes the disc material between the vertebrae. The procedure requires removal of a rib, later used for bone grafting.

The wound is closed after completion of the procedure; the patient is positioned for a posterior approach. The surgeon makes an incision in the middle of the back, attaching hooks to the back of the spine on the lamina and placing screws in the middle of the spine. Once the hooks and screws are placed, the surgeon places a bent and contoured rod to give a normal alignment to the spine. The incision is closed after tightening the screws and dressing.